Neruda Interviews

There are a total of five separate interviews of Dr. Jamisson Neruda that were conducted by a journalist in the San Diego area. The interviews occurred shortly after Neruda’s defection from the black-ops ACIO (Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization). These interviews are among the most important content in the WingMakers Materials.

When the first three Neruda Interviews were released in 1998. They provided excellent insight into how the ACIO could be better understood, particularly as it relates to its role and function in analyzing the WingMakers Materials. The fourth and fifth interviews were released later, and while the Fourth Interview is more focused on how the secretive power centers operate through government and the Military Industrial Complex, it is the Fifth Interview that is unquestionably the most revealing and profound.

It’s highly recommended that you read the Neruda Interviews in order 1-5. So you can better understand the broader outlines of the materials in terms of their specific disclosures. The Fifth Interview of Dr. Jamisson Neruda is mind-bending, and unnerving for some readers. It shows how humanity’s dominant reality is designed largely by ancient, interdimensional beings who created humans as slaves.

The Dr. Jamisson Neruda Interviews cover a host of subjects that can appear at once scary and liberating. The Neruda interviews are not for the individual who’s unwilling or unable to look at the human shadow or dark underbelly of our designed restrictions. Having knowledge of our history and the controlling interests of those who would see us—an entire species—as property is a necessary step in understanding why spiritual information has been regulated and controlled on our planet.

If WingMakers, as a mythos, is indeed based on real events, real people, real entities, and real organizations, it’s vital to understand the backstory of our species and the undercurrents that try to corral us into separation and limitation. It’s also important to understand how religious mythology has had a confounding impact on the spiritual seeker.

The Neruda interviews are some of the best-known materials of WingMakers. Downloads have exceeded 3.8 million over the past 17 years. For those of you who want a more thorough introduction, The Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol. I has an excellent introduction, written by John Berges.